2024年2月17日 星期六

咱 ê 話【作 tsoh】、【做 tsò/tsuè/tserè】ê 音義辨析

 「作」不分漳泉,文讀為「tsok」、白讀為「tsoh」,白讀當動詞用時,有孜孜不倦(真綿爛咧……)的意涵,一般多用於農事,ex. 種作 tsìng-tsoh、【作穡 tsoh-sit、【作田 tsoh-tshân、【作園 tsoh-hg/huînn、【作蜜 tsoh-bi̍t或用於建造,ex.作岫、作牆、作埤、作灶,以及木工家具專用名詞,ex.【敆作 kap-tsoh】(本字為「合作」,早年鹿港家具店的招牌即書寫為「合作店」)。


一般操漳腔者變調後同音,無法區辨本調為【作 tsoh】或【做 tsò】;須操泉腔者方得以辨音。而部分泉腔(ex.臺北、媽宮)讀做【做穡 tsuè-sit】,其實是後起的演變。




  數位化ê《臺日大辭典》共原文分列做兩个無sâng漢字ê「tsoh」敆做sâng一字「作」,按呢會造成讀者ê誤解。我閣轉去看《臺日》ê原文參《廈英》,發現杜嘉德參小川尚義對「tsoh」音義ê看法是sâng款愛分列做兩字,並毋是《臺日》數位化ê做法,uì 《廈英》文白音ê對照來看,杜嘉德對漢字ê看法就是小川路尾佇《臺日》所寫ê「作(tsoh)」、「築(tsoh)」,「作(tsoh)」是「to do; to make」、「築(tsoh)」是「to build」。


所致「tsoh埤、tsoh灶、tsoh牆、tsoh水」ê「tsoh」,若寫做「作」就無夠妥徹,《臺日》、「廈英」寫做「築」、讀做「tsoh」,予咱真好个參考。tserâ êtsoh()水」參「做水」,音義嘛愛分開來看。

  「作(tsoh)。【一】(姓)作。【二】(營營として)作る。為る。-田(tshân)=田を作る。-穡(sit)=農事を為る。-巢(siū)=巢を作る。-蜜(bi̍t)=蜂が蜜を作る。【三】發作する。逆上する。氣(khì)=(khí)=(lâi)=發作する。人一直(lâng it-ti̍t)=(khí)=(lâi)=氣分が段段と惡くなる。逆上する。」


  「tsoh [R.chok, to do; to make], to work the fields. choh-hn̂g, to cultivate dry fields. choh-chhân, to cultivate irrigated fields. chèng-choh, to do agricultural work in general; to farm. choh-sit, to do agricultural work; also (Cn.), to do any kind of work. choh-siū, to build a nest. choh-bi̍t, to make honey, as bee. Choè kap-choh, to be a carpenter who makes furniture, an upholsterer, or cabinet-maker. kap-choh-tiàm, a furniture shop. gō͘-choh, a coroner. soè-choh, a spy. hā-choh, mean and low in character, position, or actions (v. hā). choè-choh, counterfeit. hoat-choh, to come to light, as a secret; to come to pass, as a plot; to break out on the body, as a disease, often one that has been long kept hid; to begin to grow tall and big, as a boy just changing into a man. ke-ūn hoat-choh, the family now becoming prosperous. kóng cha̍p-choh gō͘-ge̍rr (T.), to talk intentionally in an involved and indistinct way (v. ge̍h).

  「tsoh, (R.tiok), to build, as a wall or dyke. choh-chhiûⁿ, to build a wall. choh-chàu, to build a fireplace, as in kitchen. choh-pi, to build a weir or dam on a river. choh-chúi, to bank up or dam up a water-course so as to turn it into the fields.